Our Favorite Quotes from our Jolly Llamas
“Thank you for creating an infinite playground for my restless self” – Chaniel Nelson
“It wasn’t until I connected with you that I found purpose in my life and I became truly happy” – Victoria Valchev
“Sunsets are a daily reminder that no matter how bad a day may seem, it can always end in a beautiful way” – Landon Reed
“From the deepest forest to the highest mountain, nothing remains the same” – Dallin Ruffell
“Why are you the most beautiful in the last moments before darkness?” – Bailey Galvin-Scott
“I feel free in your fields and forests, empowered climbing your mountains, and so alive seeing a sunrise through my tent door” – Chaniel Nelson
“Walking down from the peak at the darkest hours of the night I wish to remind myself that golden hour would last all day, that the sun would reach the horizon at noon and sit there beaming, basking in our admiration as we bask in his warmth” – Bailey Galvin-Scott
“You have kept a promise made to humans, animals and insects, alike to provide for us” – Nicky Howard
“Soak in the days last rays for it’ll be gone in a moment” – Landon Reed
“You’ve given me a life-long passion and life itself, and for that, everyday should be spent thinking of you” – Victoria Valchev
“You make lives of those who open their eyes and hearts to you joyous and full” – Jeff Genova
“I promise to always take care of you and encourage others to do the same” – Chaniel Nelson
“These roots and this dirt will be here when we are not, live simply and be kind to our Earth” – Brooke Anderson
“Happy Earth Day, you deserve to be celebrated every day” – Chaniel Nelson
“We couldn’t survive without you. I love you mother Earth, I thank you” – Nicky Howard
“you mother Earth are the most gifted artist, the most generous gift, the most generous soul, and the bravest guardian. Without you we are nothing” – Maria Schultz
“Dear Earth, I promise to take only pictures and leave only foot prints” – Brooke Anderson