The bar scene is a big part of many college experiences. But what happens when you can’t afford it anymore or, better yet, you’re just over it? What’s left to fill the time? What is there to do that doesn’t break the bank? Turns out, there’s more to do than you think. We’ve got a few ideas for you.
Nighttime Glow in the Dark Bowling
You had me at Glow in the Dark. Add bowling to the mix and I’m all in. How cool does this sound? All you need to do is collect 6 or 10 empty bottles (your choice of size), get your hands on some glow sticks(they are usually about $1 per stick) and a ball and you’re all set. The setup is pretty simple but if you need more info click here.
The great outdoors, the original low-cost activity. Getting lost in nature can be a great way to get away from it all for a weekend, and save a buck or two in the process. Just grab your favorite Hammock, find a nice long trail and get after it. If you don’t know where to go in your area, visit They will be your guide.
Prank War!
Is your roommate annoying the crap out of you? Even if they’re not, doesn’t mean you can’t still annoy them a bit. Starting a good, clean prank war is always a great way to keep your mind busy. I’m sure you're a brilliant strategic mind, but if you're in need of some inspiration Buzzfeed is a great place to start.
Per, Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. A REAL-LIFE TREASURE HUNT!! All you need is a smart phone and an unwavering sense of adventure. Of course, you should bring a hammock in case you get lost or tired. ;)
Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
Who loves puppies? Raise your hand because the correct answer is everyone. What better way is there to do a bit of good in the world than playing with puppies and kittens? I can’t think of one. Getting started volunteering can be a bit overwhelming but if you visit they can help you find the perfect cause for you.
Grand Trunk your Bunk
We know all too well that extra space in a dorm room comes at a premium, so every square foot is precious. Optimize your room so you have more space for playing games, throwing dance parties or doing morning yoga. Namaste. One idea for saving a few feet is lofting your bed and hanging a hammock underneath. Not only will the hammock be a great spot to chill between classes you can easily take it down when you need that space. Pro-Tip: Transport yourself by hanging pictures of your favorite outdoor spot on the wall next to the hammock and on the bottom of the bed.
Ballin’ on a budget can be tough but it's doable. Get creative, think outside the box (aka your dorm room), explore, get lost, find an adventure. We believe in you.