Candy, costumes, creepy decorations, all staples of the Halloween season. While these traditions are tried and true, there’s another that we firmly believe belongs on the list … Spooky Halloween Hammock Hangs. Haunted houses are fun and all, but there’s nothing like visiting a real flesh and blood haunted location. We’re talking multiple accounts of weirdness of the paranormal variety. Maybe you visit, string up your hammock and hang for a bit or maybe you’re brave and you stay the night with a bit of Halloween hammock camping. Or, maybe you drive up and never even leave the car. 😬 Whatever you decide, these are a couple of our favorite spooky Halloween hammock hang spots.

Gettysburg National Military Park – Gettysburg, PA
The site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil war, 51,000 men died on this battlefield. According to many reports, at least a few of them continue to battle even after death. Reports of gunshots and drum rolls are not an uncommon occurrence. One section, called Devil’s Den, is known for its strange proclivity for causing electronics to fail. Grab your favorite bulletproof double hammock, get out and watch the historic battle.
Yosemite National Park – Northern California
Who knew such a well known national park was haunted? Well, apparently it is. Like really haunted. From the souls of several people that have drowned in the park to the Native Americans wandering through the woods, if a creepy good time is what you’re looking for, you came to the right place. At Grouse Lake, Native American legend says that you can hear the spirit of a boy who drowned in the lake. Legend has it that he calls to hikers for aid, but that anyone who makes their way into the water will be pulled under and drowned. Yikes!
But the deadly young man isn't the park's only lethal spirit in the park. The Miwok Indians believed Yosemite’s waterfalls were haunted by a cold, evil wind called Po-ho-no. Po-ho-no lures people to the edge of the falls, forces them over the edge and swallows their souls. In 2011, three hikers plummeted to their deaths from the top of Yosemite’s Vernal Falls. The beautiful sites and epic hammock camping spots aren’t the only reasons to visit the park this Halloween, just stay away from the water…
Mammoth Cave National Park – Central Kentucky
If caves aren’t creepy enough, these contain the spirits of those that entered never to depart. Oh, and it’s near a Native American burial grounds. Of course it is…
Mammoth Cave has so much paranormal activity that it’s earned the moniker “the most haunted natural wonder in the world”. Sounds like a perfect Halloween hammock camping spot!! One of the best parts of the park is that there are tours almost any hour of the day. Just make sure you follow the guides that aren’t partially transparent…
Robinson Woods- Near Chicago, Illinois
Named after Alexander Robinson (English name), the chief of several local Native American tribes, these woods seem to be the eternal rest place for the souls of the Robinson Family. At night, orbs of light have often been seen floating through the woods. Even creepier, during the day, groups of deer have been known to surround visitors of the woods. Phantom sounds are well documented throughout the area, including the sounds of an axe pounding into a tree and the distinct sounds of Native American tom-tom drums.
All Hallows Eve, Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead; so many creepy names, so many creepy places. If it were us, we’d sling up a hammock or two and wait until we encountered a ghastly ghoul… or at least until the first unfamiliar sound. If you didn't get enough creepiness in this list here's a couple more. CLICK HERE