Tales From The Road

As a recovering workaholic, I know firsthand how hard it is to disconnect.
I started my career in entrepreneurship as a high school student selling on eBay, but as a 21 year old I rode my bike from Canada to Mexico and figured that I’d not be able to do it again unless I owned my own business.
Little did I know that being an entrepreneur could be even more consuming than having a regular job, I had a lot to learn.
As an entrepreneur and creator at heart, I love to be connected. Most social apps today are built to increase our time on site, and keep us plugged in. This constant connection, if not kept in check, can keep us from plugging into more beneficial experiences. Let’s explore ways to unplug and be more engaged in the outdoors.
I’ll share a few ways to further unplug, then several ways to re-engage in the outdoors.

My most valuable tip for unplugging is to make your device more boring. In my case, that looks like removing apps like Facebook. I have friends that swear by changing their screen to grayscale which can be done in the settings. Two years ago I removed the email app, which greatly reduced my need to check my phone and refresh.
Besides removing apps, I identified the apps that I wanted to use more. Apps like DayOne which I use for journaling, or Duolingo for learning French. My calendar to coordinate, or my task management tool.
Plugging into Adventure
Unplugging from the digital world is only a part of the equation. How can you get outdoors more?
A couple years ago I began starting each day with a short walk outside. This is my time to walk the dog and reflect on my previous day and the day coming up. I use the time to dictate into my journal. Here are three of the questions I answer each day:
• “What were yesterdays highlights?”
• “What's on my mind now?”
• “How can I make today amazing?”
I’ve loved considering each of these questions as I walk through my neighborhood, and I’ve enjoyed getting outside every day.
Another suggestion to get outside more often is to find places you can walk, instead of drive. We live about a mile away from our supermarket. My kids and I have made that walk over 100 times. It’s a great way to get on a little adventure.
I’ve extended this to work activities or to work itself. Riding my bike the 10 miles into work, or finding opportunities to commute by bike or public transit.
I’d love to know how you unplug and make more time to spend in nature.